Northern Territory Learning Commission
The Northern Territory Learning Commission (NTLC) commenced in 2016 and includes schools from the Northern Territory and Victoria. It is an initiative placing students at the centre of leading research and providing evidence informed recommendations alongside their teachers and school leadership teams to improve practise within their school and across the Northern Territory.
The NTLC provides intentional opportunities for students to engage with their leaders and teachers to analyse trends in whole-school data, design possible responses to address the problems that they have identified, and to implement and determine the impact. Anula Primary School commenced with the commission in 2023 and as a school we are committed to continue our involvement in the NTLC throughout 2024 and beyond. We have a Teachers Commissioner and the Principal is also a commissioner along with 10 student commissioners consisting of 5 year 5 students and 5 year 6 students chosen by the principal and teacher commissioner. The Year 6 commissioners consist of our School and Vice Captains along with our Citizenship recipient. The commissioner meets every fortnight on a Monday for a breakfast meeting at 7:30am where the principle cooks the students breakfast and they work through their lines of inquiry.