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Anula Primary History

Anula Primary History
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Anula Primary School is located in the Darwin suburb of Anula. The school aims to provide all students with the best possible education, in conjunction with the wider school community and has an Intensive English Unit that caters for students who require intensive English language tuition.

The school also has strong whole school embedded pedagogies such as Walker Learning (Play-based Learning in the Early Years), Inquiry Learning (in the Primary Years), Read Write Inc. in the Early Years and Meaningful Maths across the school. The school has a strong focus on Digital Technologies being an ‘Apple Distinguished School’ and we are recognised globally for our leadership and educational excellence.


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Our Contacts

Our Contacts
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73 Yanyula Dr, Anula,

NT, 0812,




08 8997 7500

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0427 016 460

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Anula Primary School was built in 1978, four years after Cyclone Tracey devastated Darwin. The Northern Suburbs of Darwin was growing and the school was to cater for this increasing population. The open-planned design of the building was to compliment the philosophy of the school at that time.  The first principal of Anula Primary School, Mr C. W. Young, wrote in his philosophy statement in the parent handbook 1978 “The building is constructed along open lines, and every effort will be made to move towards an open-minded approach to the education process”. He gave staff the directives that all classes would be vertically grouped, teachers would teach in teams and no compartmentalisation would feature at the school.

In 1981 the Intensive English Unit opened to cater for the growing number of migrant families settling in Darwin. The Unit commenced with four teaching groups and some part-time instructors who assisted with the maintenance of the children’s first language. In the early 90’s Anula School accepted the first International fee paying student, a practice that continues today. Multiculturalism has been a feature of Anula Primary School and makes it a truly distinctive school.

In the mid 80’s the Department of Education began the process of devolving some of its power to the school community. As a result the Parent Association was replaced with the School Council. This encouraged parents to take a higher profile as partners in the education process with greater involvement in decision making. At Anula Primary School this was a time when the School Philosophy was reviewed by the Principal and the School Council. The philosophy, policy and practices at the school remained child-centred with a strong focus on student engagement and partnerships, a feature that remains today.

In 1986 a significant change occurred at Anula Primary School… the abolition of corporal punishment. The Principal, Mr Val Martins, was forward thinking and adopted a ‘William Glasser’ style approach where students should accept responsibility for their own behaviour. The aim was to create a caring, stimulating environment in which children respect the rights of others, reach their full potential and become responsible, independent and tolerant human beings. These qualities remain today and are strongly reflected through our school values of:  Honest, Responsibility, Respect, Collaboration and Doing our Best.

Over the years the school has undertaken many projects to enhance the grounds and facilities. Our most recent building improvement project has been the complete refurbishment of the assembly and stage area, the construction of a community/cooking room and a purpose built facility devoted to ‘The Arts’.  The whole school community has been involved in the beautification of the school grounds which is now leafy, attractive and a pleasure to stroll around.


Anula Primary History
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