Welcome to Anula Preschool
Our children come from very diverse backgrounds. Each child brings to our Preschool their own individual history, culture, language and family traditions. They have their own individual interests and understandings, family and community experiences. We value their diversity and endeavour to explore their knowledge and interests further. We also expose them to a broad range of new experiences. We use the children's interests to plan our fortnightly statement of intent.
Our teaching is based on our understanding that young children grow, develop and learn best through play. Our program reflects the national educational philosophy of Play Based Learning as stated in the Early Years Learning Framework.
Children need to feel they belong at Preschool (in the environment) and with the people (through their relationship).
Children need to feel valued in the here and now - meeting the challenges of everyday life.
Children are shaped through their lives by many different relationships, events and circumstances.
During the early years as children learn and grow, they change significantly and rapidly. At Anula the Early Years team are implementing a well researched pedagogy that involves Play Based Learning. The Walker Learning Approach (WLA) is about engaging children in real life learning experiences based on their interests, needs and strengths.
Any child turning four by the 30th of June may commence Preschool at the beginning of that year (provided places are available). Children turning four in the second half of the year may commence Preschool in term three or four (after they have turned four and if there is a position available).
It is a Department of Education requirement that parents / guardians provide proof of age and immunisation details at enrolment.
Session Times
8:00 - 14:30
odd weeks
Catherine Albert
Teaching Assistant
Penny Kirby
8:00 - 14:30
odd weeks
Teacher in Charge
Debbie Ridley
Teaching Assistant